Thursday, June 9, 2011

Still Learning

I went to Walgreens today for a good deal on bodywash (something we're almost out of). I planned my trip ahead of time and estimated the total cost for 4 bottles of bodywash and 4 bottles of face lotion to be about $6.00 before taxes. Nivea Men products were on a 2/$7 sale plus $2 back in Walgreens' Register Rewards. I also had 8 $2/1 Nivea Men coupons. I planned on doing my trip similar to the way I did my CVS trip earlier this week.

Transaction 1: Purchase 2 products for $7 - $4 in coupons, pay $3, and get back $2.

Transaction 2: Use the $2 in RR in addition to my $4 in coupons to purchase another 2 products, and pay $1

Transactions 3 & 4: Repeat Transaction 2

My first problem happened on my second transaction. CVS's ECB, is basically CVS cash that can be used in conjunction with a manufacturer's coupon on one item. I assumed Walgreens RR worked the same way. They don't. RR are actually manufacturer's coupons, so you cannot use them on the same item you're using a coupon on. I had to add a third item to my transaction to be able to use my two coupons AND the RR.

Solution: Add a $0.25 pack of silly bands to my order, so I could still save $1.75 with the RR

This is when I encountered my second problem. Since I used the Nivea RR on this purchase I wasn't eligible for the same RR at the end of the transaction. Here's what I should have done:

Transaction 1: Same as above

Transaction 2: Repeat Transaction 1. I would now have (2) $2 RR

Transaction 3: Purchase 4 Nivea products and 2 packs of silly bands ($14.50), use my 4 coupons plus my two RR (-$12), pay $2.50.

After all was said and done I ended up paying $10.82 after taxes. Because of the way RR work my calculations were off by $2.50. I over paid by an additional $2 by using my first RR on my second transaction. Even after all the hiccups I paid $10.82 for $55.22 worth of merchandise. I still saved 80%, making this my most successful couponing trip to date (not including my free bandages)!!!

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